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Before contacting us: Please note that data privacy regulations require you and mariamilani to exercise due care with your personal data and in particular that you provide specific approval to use the information you provide. Before writing to us please note that: Please do not share personally identifiable information with us which you feel is […]
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Before contacting us: Please note that data privacy regulations require you and mariamilani to exercise due care with your personal data and in particular that you provide specific approval to use the information you provide. Before writing to us please note that:
- Please do not share personally identifiable information with us which you feel is of a particularly sensitive nature and/or you would not want us to know or process as part of contacting us.
- Mariamilani foresees using the information we receive from you, such as your name and email address, in order to be able to respond to your question.
- Please click ‘I approve’ or indeed write it into your request that we can use your name and email address in order to respond to you.
- We do not intend to publish your request, but if it is of an academic and useful nature and you feel the response may be useful to other lovers of ancient Rome please do tell us of your approval for it to be published (suitably anonymised).