The temple of Hercules was built in the Forum Boarium. In fact there were two such temples, the first of these is believed to have been where the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin now stands.
The temple of Hercules was built in the Forum Boarium. In fact there were two such temples, the first of these is believed to have been where the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin now stands.
A tufa stone platform recently excavated there is believed to be the base of the famous “Ara Maxima” (the great altar) to Hercules which was reputedly set in place by the mythical Evander on the site where Hercules defeated the giant Cacus.
A further temple was built in the same area and dedicated to Hercules the invincible. This is the temple which is still visible today. Gladiators would hang their swords in the temple if and when they reached pensionable age.