This is a section drawing of the Pantheon and of its construction:
We can see how Emperor Hadrian had transformed its original classical architecture into a more daring structure modeled around a sphere. This enabled the temple to embody and symbolize the universe of planetary Roman gods. It created a direct link between imperial power and divine authority.
The structure of the Pantheon was only possible because of the tremendous advances in construction technology, also enabled by the discovery of pozzolanic cement. The dome itself was the largest single-span dome in the world for almost 2000 years…
The original pediment and entrance to the Pantheon was retained – it still has the original signature of Agrippa – general of Emperor Augustus, who first had it built. Linking the lineage of Augustus (and Julius Caesar) with that of Venus and Mars.
Tthe importance of this building, and its leading position in western architecture is unquestioned. More information can be found in the following pages…
The Pantheon: Ancient Roman Pantheon | pantheon | Purpose of the Roman Pantheon | architecture of the pantheon | more pictures of the Pantheon |
Buildings of Ancient Rome: The pantheon | Ancient Roman amphitheaters | Structure of the Colosseum | arch of constantine | circus maximus | basilica | roman forum | hadrians wall |